Friday 13th 2012

After talking to our daughter in law about her Grandfather having been a miner, we decided to drive up to the abandoned mine (Las Menas) on the northern slopes of the Filabres.



Climbing up from the Almanzora valley at Serón (A1178) on the road to Bacares and then on tovillage130712 Gergál, we however turned off left down towards Las Menas.






mine130712The speed limit for the AL5406 road which twists, loops and turns back down towards Serón is 30kph, not for the faint hearted mine2130712and unsurprisingly we met no-one.







openingmine130712However the grassy slopes of valley near the abandoned mine was dotted with bramble and wild rose bushes with thistles and Eryngium campestre a haven for butterflies and bugs.



This bird is a Rock Bunting.rockbunting





Here is a selection of the butterflies we managed to photograph.









